Basic Troubleshooting Steps if Your Wordpress Website Is Not Working

If your Wordpress site is not working, so much so that you are not even able to access the backend login page, you should think about what kind of update you had done last…

If you are able to log into your hosting panel, look for the log file and if you see the following error in the error_log

WordPress database error Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now...

This might not necessarily be WooCommerce related error.

Strong possibility is that a plugin has gone rogue. It could be a cache related plugin (more specifially W3 Cache). Rename the plugin folder in the file system and see if the site loads. If the site loads, then rename the plugin folder back and rename all the individual plugin folders inside it. Then rename them back one by one and check the site after each rename.

If you determine that W3 Canche is to blame… you may follow the following steps to get rid of all W3 Cache plugin related files.

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