Create Multistep Navigation With Current Step Indicator Alpinejs
This post relies on the solution given by TallTips. Although I was not building the same component as this, but this was a great tip to build my own solution.
First up, define your data at the root div. We have defined a data focus
; such that whenever the navigational link corresponding to a focus
is clicked, the div
having that paricular focus
would show up.
x-data="{ focus: '#tab{{ $form->first()->name }}' }
Note: Here, we have assigned a default value to focus
which is the name
field of the first record.
Second, let us create the navigational link mentioned earlier. Here the link will use x-on:click.prevent
to set the value of the property focus
to form to which the link corresponds to. For example, the below link shows some sort of palette. The name of the form is colors
and so would be name of the div
containing this form. The link text is same too.
class="px-3 py-1.5 mx-1 text-sm rounded-full bg-black text-white hover:bg-teal-400"
x-on:click.prevent="focus='#tab{{ $form->name }}'"
:class="{ 'bg-teal-400': focus === '#tab{{ $form->name }}' }"
{{ $form->name }}
Note: Here, we are using x-bind:class
to change the background color of the navigational link if it is “active”.
Third, let us create the containers for the forms. Each of our div's
would contain a form. Each of the form is being rendered from the property ($form->body
) that is passed to the Liwewire component.
@foreach ($forms as $form)
<div x-show="focus == '#tab{{ $form->name }}'" x-cloak>
<span>{{ $form->body }}</span>